Bracing & Splinting
We offer products ranging from customs-made orthotic devises often fitted by Orthotists, OTs and physios to everyday off-the-shelf braces use in Emergency Departments and Plaster-room.
A French family-owned company with a 175-year track history of providing braces and splints. In recent years they have added Townsend design and Orthotic Composites to their range making them the preeminent source of specialist custom made orthotics. Through this knowledge they continue to enhance their off-the-shelf range which including the knee off-loader for treating Osteoarthritis “Action Reliever”. New Vision Healthcare offer a scan & measure to custom fit service for knee braces, contact for further information.
Woodcast an environmentally friendly, toxin free & effective splinting material: Focusing on Occupational Therapy & Plaster rooms we run educational support training for those that use this biodegradeable product. Woodcast transforms the clinician and patient’s experience with the recent introduction of pre-cut shapes for easy application.